
Pocklington Community Junior School

Looked After & Previously Looked After Children

Designated Teacher for Looked After & Previously Looked After Children: Miss Sophie Kirk.

If you would like more information or have any queries about our policy or how we promote an inclusive ethos for Children Looked After, please contact Miss Kirk on 01759 302224 or email

Designated Governor for Looked After & Previously Looked After Children: Mrs Sandra Burley

More information can also be found in our policy below:

Looked After & Previously Looked After Children Policy

Parent/Carer Support – For information about parent/carer workshops and support, please click here.


Helpful Information:

Specialist advice for those involved in adoption.

One Adoption North & Humber – specialist support those involved in adoption, including information on further funding to support adopted children.

East Riding Virtual School / Vulnerable Children Education Team VCET – primary responsibility to promote the education children looked-after (CLA) and previously looked-after Children (PLAC).

York Virtual School for Looked After Children – The aim of  the Virtual School is to enhance the life opportunities for children in care by supporting their education and enabling them to achieve the best they can.